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Optimizing a Dockerfile with a Multi-stage Build


In this lab we will optimize a container image size using a multi-stage build.


1. Optimizing the Dockerfile

We are now embedding additional build tools such as Maven, an image size will naturally increase. However, Maven is only needed during build-time and not for running the final JAR. You can therefore leverage a multi-stage build to reduce the image size by separating the build from the runtime stage.

Check size of the initial image, it is 1.66 GB

docker images

Image size and application startup times might be different in your case

REPOSITORY             TAG                   IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
unicorn-store-spring latest 836da356dc0e About a minute ago 1.66GB

Copy the prepared Dockerfile:

cd ~/environment/unicorn-store-spring
cp dockerfiles/Dockerfile_02_multistage Dockerfile

Start the build for the container image. While it is building, you can move to the next step and inspect the Dockerfile.

docker buildx build --load -t unicorn-store-spring:latest .

Inspect the Dockerfile.

As you can see in line 10 - we are starting with a fresh Amazon Corretto Image. On line 13 we are copying the artifact from the initial build stage to the fresh image.

FROM as builder

COPY ./pom.xml ./pom.xml
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline -f ./pom.xml

COPY src ./src/
RUN mvn clean package && mv target/store-spring-1.0.0-exec.jar store-spring.jar
RUN rm -rf ~/.m2/repository

RUN yum install -y shadow-utils

COPY --from=builder store-spring.jar store-spring.jar

RUN groupadd --system spring -g 1000
RUN adduser spring -u 1000 -g 1000

USER 1000:1000

ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","-Dserver.port=8080","/store-spring.jar"]

Check size of the image, it is 1.04 GB now.

docker images

Now we can see that the size of our image is less than in the previous build:

REPOSITORY             TAG                   IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
unicorn-store-spring latest ea42046620d4 29 seconds ago 1.04GB

With multi-stage build we achieved more than 30% reduction of container image size.

We will continue to optimize the image in the following modules.


This lab explored the process of optimizing a container image size using a multi-stage build.